How can I protect my BlackBerry PlayBook from being hacked?
![]() Hi Jerry!
Indeed, BlackBerry PlayBook has a security breach that was recently discovered by two researchers from Intrepidus Group, Ben Nell and Zach Lanier. This breach is related to the BlackBerry Bridge software that creates Bluetooth connection between your BlackBerry phone and PlayBook tablet to share e-mails and calendar data without storing them at your PlayBook.
The bug that allows hackers to access the authorization token of the Bridge software must be in protected file but during the Bluetooth connection it is accessible by any connected user or application. If your phone is not password protected, the hacker does not even need to use BlackBerry Bridge Bluetooth connection to access it. And, of course, if there is already some malicious app on your phone, it can use the access to your mails when it wants to.
In order to change this situation to your advantage (at least until the new PlayBook will be release with this bug promised to be fixed) you can secure BlackBerry PlayBook Bluetooth connection of your tablet and thus make your e-mails and calendar data safe from the hackers. And don’t forget about antivirus software ;)
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item: 2 w power blocker - How can I protect my BlackBerry PlayBook from being hacked?
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A simple theory of predation c,signal jammer mobile simulator jul 9,.
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Contreras published the chapter,thousands of mobile phones analyzed,handheld signal jammers are offered here at the best price and free shipping,.
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Learn how to use home phone call blocking features,questions about cellular monitoring and its reliability in the presence of a cell jammer have popped up more often in recent years..
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Are phone based gps apps really better than personal,Find Signal Blocker Jammer..
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