Is there any way to stop government tracking me through a chip mounted in my implants?
![]() Hello John, you’re right, there chips that are installed on most of implants.
Those RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips work like links between an implant and digital version of personal health record. This chip also stays with you and you can’t be affected by it. You can calm down, because the frequencies that chip uses are low and the waves are low-ranged. Their maximum range is approximately 30 meters. In theory, in practice it will be less.
They usually use the so called VHF/UHF frequencies band and they are 140-180/450-480 Mhz. They were made just for the medical purposes. And I can say that they are almost untraceable. On the other hand, the Hi-end RFID chip can be tracked due to high output power.
And if you would like to jam that microchip’s signals for sure – we have a solution. It is universal VHF/UHF/RFID jamming device. You should also keep in mind that those frequencies are used by CCTV cameras and Near Field Communications (NFC) technologies. So if the jammer is on they will not work either. Its blocking range is huge and it will do to cover your entire house or office.
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item: 900 mhz jammer | Is there any way to stop government tracking me through a chip mounted in my implants?
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