Wire Camera Detection Laser Assisted Direction Indication
![]() GPS Signal Jamming Detector Detecting For GPS positioning monitor Detector
Pocket RF Signal DetectorVS-066GP
With Analog /Digital select switch
Adds Wired camera detection
AddsLaser-assisted direction indication
Brief Description:
This model has panel antenna integrated inside the circuit board providing directionality, joint with laser pointer to aid the locating the signal source. When detects signal wave, the laser pointer will light up to aim the possible direction. Lower the sensitivity gradually, can approach and determine the signal location.
This device is a VERSATILE RF signal detector which can detect most of GSM phone, smartphone, Wi-Fi, wireless bug (hidden microphone), wireless analog and digital cameras and other wireless device during 50 MHz ~ 6.0 GHz.
This device surely avoids being peeped or tapped to protect privacy or protect information being disclosed secretly.
Compact Size and easy carry;
Assisted Laser Pointing Direction Indication;
Could Distinguish Signals OfWireless Camera Or Hidden Microphone Or Cell Phone;
Sensitivity Adjustment;
Interference (Background Noise) Elimination;
Low Battery Warning;
Silent Detection;
Wire Camera Detection;
Search for active radio transmitting surveillance devices or rf bugging device in premises,vehicles and items.
Room, body-carried, telephone and car bugging devices can also be found by the device.
Discovering the improper use of mobile phones and other communication equipment for picking up conversations .the information in this case can be transmitted to another phone or recorded onto an answering machine detection of gsm bugs, spy mobile phones and mobile phones in an active state (for illegal transmission of conversations).
detecting of harmful emissions from the gsm-jammers or mini-recorder suppressors.
detecting of harmful emissions from microwave ovens ,communication antennas and other electronic appliances.
Size:L8.7*W 5.5*T2.4 cm;
Weight:about 125g;
Power:3V DC (AAA/UM-4 battery x 2);
Detecting Frequency: 50 MHz ~ 6.0 GHz;
Warning mode 1: Audible alarm and 3 LEDs;
Warning mode 2:Vibration and 3 LEDs;
Warning mode 3: Silent,3 LEDs and earphone output;
Sensitivity Tuner: Eliminate the environment interference (background noise);
Detecting Distance:
5.8GHz Wireless 10mW camera: up to 8 feet;
2.4GHz Wireless 10mW camera: up to 20 feet;
GSM phone (set at A): up to 40 feet (LED blink only);
GSM phone (set at D): up to 50 feet (with Audio alarm);
Laser Output power: 3 Mw;
Laser Wave Length: 650 nM;
Package contents:
1pcs detector
2pcs AAA/UM-4 battery
1pcs earphone
1pcs Manual book
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item: Anti block jammer cycle , Wire Camera Detection Laser Assisted Direction Indication
23 votes
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