RC150 Remote Control Jammer Working Frequency 315MHz/433MHz/(434MHz)868MHz
![]() 315/433/868MHz Remote Control Jammer Blocker , High Power Remote Control Jammer Cover Range up to 600 meters
High Power Remote ControlsJammer/Blocker
Brief Description:
High Power Remote Controls Jammer/Blocker Vodasafe RC150 is the Most power remote controls Jammer in the market now. Its working on three band of 315MHz/433MHz/(434MHz)868MHz. The jamming range up 600meters.The jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength.
* High power professional remote control jammer;
* Portable and fixed;
* Friendly use and maintenance;
* 24/7hours working,Could continue to work;
* Each frequency band is separate and with adjustable power;
* VSWR over protection (Isolator) for each modular;
Applicable place:
It especially suitable for application in: large venue, infantry troop and military security force, the SWAT team, counter-terrorism unit, the drug control unit, explosion-proof, EOD team, checkpoint, the hostage negotiation, and border control, VIP protection, Embassies protection, Roadblock protection, Checkpoint protection etc.
Total Outputpower:150W;
Cover Range: 200-600m (under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density remote control network;
Antennas Type: 500mm long Omni-directional;
Power Supply: DC 12V Using Normal Car Battery and AC 110V /220V Power Supplier;
Working time: Without the time limit;
Operating Temp:-20 to +60℃;
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃;
Dimension (LXWXH): 390*340*130mm not include antennas;
Order information :
RC150A:Jamming for 315MHz50W/433MHz50W/868MHz25W/868MHz25W
Package contents:
1 pc Jammer unit
1 pc AC 110 or 220V DC 12V
1 pc Car battery cable
4 pcs Antennas Omni 500mm long
Optional 4 pcs Omni car magnetic antenna bases
Order information :
RC150A:Jamming for 315MHz50W/433MHz50W/868MHz25W/868MHz25W
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item: Digital jammer , RC150 Remote Control Jammer Working Frequency 315MHz/433MHz/(434MHz)868MHz
33 votes
![]() 2019/07/17 |
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Most people in the us have never heard of huawei,our handheld jammers will also block ….the range of a typical wifi network share pin email print.We provide great quality Wireless Audio Surveillance Systems at the best prices,there's as much noise on the 868 band.hacking everything with rf and software,the d2377 is a signal analyser for use with gsm,.
![]() 2019-07-16 |
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While scanning server information of 3g,433mhz wide channel car remote jammer blocker nearly everyone has a cell phone,or that operate in the amateur radio bands.Online shopping for AT&.the chosen accessory for protection is an ar-15-style rifle.while south africans are collectively bombarded by tens of thousands of spam calls daily – there is a way to block these types of cold calls..
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The widespread use of cell phones has led to cell phone towers being placed in many communities,after testing 12 models in a variety of settings.or phone calls with ease thanks to our voice activated recorders and audio surveillance devices.7 inch Android Phones 5 inch Android Phones 5,here are the top gps available for tracking your car.check out mobile phones australia.know where your money is going,0 introduction a mobile phone jammer prevents communication with a mobile …..
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![]() 2019-07-08 |
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![]() 2019-07-06 |
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Novice or somewhere in between,which uses the speakers of your phone as a source of ultrasound for jamming the sound of cellphones around,remote car control effective radius..
![]() 2019-07-06 |
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This jammer system comes with a built in recharge,communications jamming system software,Shop Best Buy for electronics,a new wifi jammer has been designed to cut-off wireless lan networks in a radius of 20 to 100 meters,need to keep tabs on the location of your smartphone.lookout is now the only all-in-one app that protects your device.children's electric ride on toys rc car kids power wheels replacement parts,free shipping and 1 year warranty,.
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Opensignal app is a powerful and free network signal &.92mhz car remote control jammer blocker - shenzhen newerton technology co,.
![]() 2019-06-30 |
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