8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer Medium Power 1m - 50m Jamming Range
Product Name:
Cell Phone Signal Jammer
RF Power:
40 W
Power Supply:
AC 160-240V
380 X 300 X 90 Mm
Net Weight:
Jamming Range:
8 Band Medium power mobile phone signal Jammer , Cell Phone Signal Jammer
Product Instructions:
This Medium Power signal Jamming device is our factory adopts advanced foreign technology, in view of the development of communication system, according to the actual circumstance of foreign mobile communication carefully developed high-tech products, it can in the radius of 1-50 meters (about 10-1000 square meters, can be adjusted according to the required place different field shielding range), the partition GSMICD. MA/DCS/PHS/td-scdma/WCDMA/CDMA2000 / WIFI/LTE (4 g) signal, the phone can't play and answer and cannot send or receive messages, but it does not interfere with other electronic equipment, so as to guarantee the security of the required places, mobile phone left partition scope, can return to normal use, and without any damage to the human body.
Product Features:
Effective shielding from 1 to 50 meters.
The GSM/CDMA/DCS/PHS/WCDMA/td-scdma/C DMA2000 WIFI4G shielding eight-way spectrum.
Can work for 12 hours.
The transmission power 40 w
Product Applications:
College entrance examination, adult college entrance examination, self-study examination and all kinds of colleges and universities.
All kinds of meeting rooms, concert halls and movie theaters of party and government organs and enterprises.
Detention centers, labor reform teams, large and medium sized prisons, troops.
Inflammable and explosive places such as gas station, oil depot, oil field and gas station.
Technical Specifications:
Technical Specifications
Technical Standard
Technical Parameter
Power Supply
Input AC160-240V
380 x 300 x 90 mm
Net Weight
6.5kg(Main Engine)
Transmission Power for Each Band
Jamming Range
1-50meters (about 1000 square meters, can be adjusted according to the required place shielding range)
Action Type
All mobie Phones(2G+3G+4G),4G wifi signal, etc.
-10 ~ 55℃
Relative Humidity
≤90% (RH)
atmospheric pressure
Installation instructions:
This product available screws fixed on the wall or ceiling directly the product surface can be up to 50 ℃ so please stay away from low temperature thermal objects.Installation height: 10-20 meters is the best. Installation direction: do not put the antenna of the cellphone signal shield against the direction of the cell phone base station, otherwise it will affect the use effect.
Application Place
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item: Electric meter jammer - 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer Medium Power 1m - 50m Jamming Range
31 votes
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