Portable Wifi Signal Jammer , Portable Jammer Device Jamming Range 20 - 100m
Product Name:
Potable High Power Signal Jammer
Power Supply:
AC 220V DC 24V
Power Consumption:
600 X 349 X 193 Mm(without Antenna)
25kg(Main Engine)
Jamming Range:
High Power Super power phone signal Jamming System , Portable Signal Jammer for Prison
Product Instructions:
The super power phone signal shielding device is adopt foreign advanced technology, this factory is mainly aimed at the border, military, prisons, large gathering place in unsafe hidden fan brought by the mobile phone, mobile communication at home and abroad based on the actual situation carefully developed high-tech products, it can be 100-300 m in radius range (partition in GSM/CDMA/DCS/PHS / 3 g / 4 g mobile phone, number, cell phone can't play and answer and wireless signal truncation, but it does not interfere with other electronic equipment.
Product Fetures:
1. All cell phone signals can be blocked.
2. Only block the downlink signal of the mobile phone, not interfere with the base station.
3. Imported devices, slow start circuit design can avoid the ignition phenomenon caused by mechanical switch, and the integration degree is high and stable.
4. The lithium battery can work continuously for more than one hour.
5. Multiplexed adjustment. Each phase can be turned on or off separately.Can choose a variety of antennas, according to the user's geographical environment flexible planning shielding range.
Product Applications:
Playground and lawn of large prison.
Special operation of internal security force of armed police against illegal assembly and safety accident.
College entrance exams, college entrance exams and adult exams are against cheating.
Product Specification:
Technical Specifications
Technical Standard
Technical Parameter
Average Output Power
Channel Output Power
Power Supply
AC 220V DC 24V
Power Consumption
600 x 349 x 193 mm(without Antenna)
Li Battery
24V 30AH,7KG
Omni-directional Antenna
Size: 560mm, Gain:6-9dBi
Environment Humidity
Environment Temperature
Block radius
Depending on the strength of the mobile operator's network signal / 20-100m @ -65 ~ -80dBm
Product Operating Manual:
Carefully open the packing cases, will open the packing cases, keep, for future move or carry, check whether the open project in good condition, if it is found that the existing any loss, damage or missing parts, please contact your dealer.
After connecting all wires and antennas, please directly turn on the power supply of the host machine.At this point, the host works by default for maximum power output.To shut down the machine, please turn off each switch of the shield first, and wait 5-10 minutes before turning off the main power of the machine, so that the shield will stop working.
Appication Place:
Tag:Portable Super Power Phone Signal Jammer apply to Prison.
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item: Handy jammer , Portable Wifi Signal Jammer , Portable Jammer Device Jamming Range 20 - 100m
47 votes
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