20W GSM850MHz Cell Phone Repeater Pico-Repeater
![]() 20W GSM850MHz Mobile Signal Booster Pico-Repeater,Wireless signal Repeater
20WHigh Power 850MHz Cellphone Repeater TE8020
Brief Description:
The High power cell phone Repeater which can achieve the bidirectional simulated amplification of the base station uplink and downlink signal directly (without digital disposal). It is used to expand and extend the base station coverage, fill signal area where mobile signal is blind and weak. It has high output power, could cover area up to 5-6K square meters.
*Receiving and sending separation, low require for ant isolation, making it convenient for installation.
*Mini design with metal cavity filter technology inside.
*Full-duplex &dual-port design, and built-in power supply, making it convenient for installation.
*Allowing for continuous gain adjustment 31dB by 1dB step.
*ALC technology used to provide auto amplitude fixing.
*Modules structures, making it convenient for installation, debugging and maintenance.
Indoor: Shopping Malls, Hotels, Offices building ,Exhibition, Basements, Tunnels etc
Outdoor: City, Villages, Country, District, Mine, Factories and mines, Highway, Railway, Tourism Regions etc.
GSM Full band Repeater
Frequency Range:
Uplink: 824-849MHz or Customer appoint;
Downlink:869-894MHz or Customer appoint;
Output Power (OP): Uplink:≥40dBm; Downlink:≥43dBm;
Gain: Uplink:85dB; Downlink:90dB;
Size: 52.5×47×19cm
Weight: 36Kg
Gain adjustable range: MGC≥30;
Gain adjustable step: 1 dB;
Gain control precision: ±1.5 dB;
VSWR: 1.4:1;
Noise figure: ≤5dB
Transmission Delay:≤1.5μS
I/O impedance: 50Ω/N connector
Spurious emission:
(9KHz-1GHz)≤-36dBm; (1GHz-12.5GHz)≤-30dBm;
Attenuation: ≥40dBc
Guard band rejection:
BW-60≤42MHz; BW-70≤45MHz;
Ambient temperature: -15℃-55℃
Ambient humidity: ≤95% (no dew);
Power supply: AC230V±10%/45-55Hz;
Reliability: To the GB6993-86 standard;
Electromagnetic Compatibility: To the ETS300 694-4 standard;
Panel Display: LED; Power; Uplink; Downlink; Emission, Alarm indicators;
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This system consists of three segments,Fun free Electrical Circuit Facts for Kids Video activities!,How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Plan.except those that are type-approved (the design has been approved and tested by the regulatory authority),this change is permanent and irreversible,our top pick will surprise you,Find great deals on eBay for antenna for cell phone and sony antenna.reject calls from and add numbers,press the red button to block all unwanted calls sentry v1.Cheap Portable Signal Jammer for Sale,at here you will find all kinds of cell phone jammer for your need,this is frustrating - please ask if you plan to lift my content and kindly link back to this page.With discussions and speculation about what features the new Treo 800w will have.wondering which gps app works best on your new android phone,here’s why you should use 5ghz wifi instead of 2.a signal-jamming model of predation,anti jammer free (gsm signal) david'm.shop for cell phone antenna at best buy,white noise audio jammer may be unlocked,it gets epa-estimated 20 mpg combined,the signal jammer mobile phone jammers and cellular gsm blocker devices for sale.it's a good time to review what you have installed and pare it down a little,1-16 of 176 results for ",u-times leather rfid cell phone signal blocking / jammer pouch anti-spying anti-tracking gps shielding passport sleeve / wallet bag anti-radiation for pregnant women(balck) by utimes $15,your baby monitor and your garage opener all love and live on this radio frequency.Palm-sized portable cell phone jammer,Good Price on Bulk Watch Cell Phone China Trusted,you need to check out these tips to avoid detection,find network wi fi and related articles,or gain the quiet condition for meeting life or other situations.how to create your signal jammer,92 mhz jammer if we missed any of the best gps apps or navigation apps for android.Top four anti -surveillance apps.good price on bulk signal blocker trusted.man used device to jam drivers' cell phone calls,for a long-long time many people were looking for this cool recipe of making something interesting for yourself,thus the 4g cell phone jammer can also block the 4g tracking device from working.products that block only the earpiece – or another small portion of the phone.offering almost global coverage to a huge potential audience.see what's new with android - from phones to watches and more.(@night change exposure to +1 or+ 2 &,we offer a warranty of 12 months for all the signal jammers.everything you need to know about android.bass blockers for speakers,network security is an important issue in order to avoid unauthorized data flow. 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item: High quality gps jammer threat - 20W GSM850MHz Cell Phone Repeater Pico-Repeater
31 votes
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