700MHz mobile signal booster Pico-Repeater TE733
![]() 4glte700MHz Wi-Fi Signal Booster WiFi Repeater 700MHz Mobiles Signal Booster
4GLTE700 TE-733 Full Band Pico-Repeater
Brief Description:
This model signal booster 4glte700MHz,with an outdoor donor antenna could receive the signals and bring good signals in a relative good signal sources places and pass the signal to the amplifier and then spread it to where thesignal is weak. Such as parking lots, basements, elevators and some hotels etc. These products need to be used in remote areas of the mountains.The machine can cover a range of 500-3000 square meters in some places where some signals are relatively simple.If the signal environment is not very good, the coverage area will be small. Only amplifying the downlink signal will not effect on the operation of the base station.
*High system gains.
*Full duplex and double-end design, external power supply, and convenient installation.
*ALC technology with auto-steady function adopted.
*Provide power indication and uplink and downlink indications.
*With the amplified linear power, the intermodulation and spuriousness are suppressed effectively.
*The reliability conforms to GB6993-86 standards.
*The electromagnetic compatibility conforms to ETS300 609-4 standards.
Applicable place:
It can be applied in Building rooms there have weak signal of mobile.
Frequency Range:
1. TE-733B (Uplink: 703-748MHz; Downlink: 758-803MHz);
1. TE-733B (Uplink)Gp≥80dB (Downlink)Gp≥85dB;
Outout Power:
1. TE-733B ≥33dBm 2W;
Pass band ripple:≤4dB
Guard band rejection: (BW-60dB)≤120MHz, (BW-70dB)≤127MHz;
I/O impedance:50Ω/N Connector;
I/O return loss:≤-10dB;
Noise figure:≤-8dB;
Inter-modulation attenuation(Po=13dBm):≤-40dBm;
Transmission :≤0.5μs;
Power supply: AC110~220V±10%/45-55Hz;
Size: 350mm×230mm×60mm;
Weight: 4.5kg;
Reliability: To the GB6993-86 standard;
Electromagnetic: To the ETS300 694-4 standard;
a) Power supply LED denote
b) Export power LED denote
Package contents:
1 pcs booster
1 set power supply
1pcs user manual
1 set installation screws
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item: Jammer 70 metres , 700MHz mobile signal booster Pico-Repeater TE733
8 votes
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