Portable Full With Mini Hidden Wireless Signal Detector
![]() Full band Mini Hidden Wireless signal detector/Portable Signal Bug Signal Detector
Full band signal detector
This product uses the active laser scanning and passive scanning method of combining wireless, can accurately identify, eavesdropping devices, tracking devices, car eavesdropping, wireless pinhole camera, wired camera, electrical sources and so on…… can effectively prevent eavesdropping ‘videotaping, fraud and protect personal privacy data and information confidential.
Function as follows:
1) With automatic detection, easy to carry, at where is eavesdropping devices, pinhole cameras, it will automatically detect the danger signals.
2) signal strength indicator could quickly find the source of the signals.
3) The sensitivity adjustment potentiometer can be adjusted (increased sensitivity to widen the detection range or lower sensitivity to shorten the detection range).
4) Detection modes: a laser probe 2 vibration (silent) 3 beep detection probe detection.4.LED display 5. Headphone mute detection
5) Low-voltage prompts, built-in rechargeable battery.
Laser detection: host window can be seen through the eyes of all inside of the current situation facing the camera lens.
Wireless sweep: frequency detection range (1MHz-605GHz)
Instructions for use:
A. Detection Camera
1. Turn on the power switch, a string of red lights flash
2. Click the laser light switch, back of the instrument six LED flashes
3. Down and move around the instrument, laser scanning of the surrounding environment, observing the eye by the host window. Such as in front of a camera, you will find a strong bright spot in flash(with vibration and audio cues)
4. If you hold down a row switch, LED flashes every 2 seconds, a fast frequency level, then the fourth panel status lights will flash once. A total of eight choices, preferences can be adapted to all types of people.
5. In pressing the switch to turn off the laser scanning
B. Detect radio waves (wireless cameras, wiretapping, etc)
1. Sound Detection:
1) Turn the power switch, power indicator light(blue light)
2) Move around, if the flashing red light, a voice prompt that there are transmitters. Signal becomes stronger, the 4LED lights at the same time, the sound becomes greatly changed quickly.
3) Pull out the antenna, adjust the potentiometer to the maximum, can widen the search.
4) Gradually shorten the antenna, reverse the potentiometer to reduce the detection range, can eventually find the emission source.
5) Insert the headset can also be used.
2. Silent Detection:
1) Slide the power switch to the top of the power indicator light(blue light)
2) Signal, only the flash and vibration
3) Other operating above
Enhance this particular feature of this product, it is important for professionals.
D.Low battery tips
When the built-in battery voltage is low, the fourth panel status indicator will stop flashing.
6. In order to avoid interference with phone calls or other wireless transmitter, detecting work should be suspended.
The Usage:
1. People often use bank cards
2. travel to the hotel for the trip
3. easily photographed the beauty of woman
4. consumer who frequented places of public entertainment
5. Frequented by people who try a variety of shopping malls.
6. Respect their privacy and the privacy of others who is keeping business secrets.
7. Anti-photographed, anti-eavesdropping professionals.
Detect whether your car or office wireless eavesdropping device installed.
Detect whether the phone tapping or a chant (standby grains transmit signal out) or detect whether your car chanting eavesdropping device installed Gps tracking devices, GPS tracker.
Detecting your working environment ‘residential buildings have rooftop base station radiation.
SMS send and receive signals to detect, signal the mobile internet, mobile phone signal switch and detect wireless network signals, cellphone base station signals, wireless surveillance system field and
Detect leaks and other household appliances such as induction of the magnetic radiation hazardous to your health.
Living environment, to detect whether there are suspicious Cable No.
Living environment, to detect whether there is a “killer phone” the strong radiation
Detect more subtle 508GHz candid camera wireless, wireless eavesdropping, wireless monitor signals.Check the hotel, toilets hotels entertainment venues, locker room wireless pinhole camera.
Business negotiations, school examiner places, factories, military facilities or government agencies prevent eavesdropping candid.
Withdrawals in the ATM machines, movie theaters, concerts, art galleries or museums, anti wireless candid-camera purchase of buildings, whether the first detection of electromagnetic radiation harmful to human health.
Product Specifications:
Laser Detection camera from 10cm-10m(visually recognizable red light flashing)
Radio detection of camera range 5cm-10m (the decision to transmit power from the camera)
500mw-200mw pow
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item: Make phone jammer from china | Portable Full With Mini Hidden Wireless Signal Detector
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![]() 2019/07/17 |
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![]() 2019-07-16 |
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![]() 2019-07-14 |
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Disrupting the communication between the phone and the cell-phone base station,avoid drop call and unclear call.smallest tiny micro audio russian spy bug voice activated recorder - rental - rent a russian spy bug digital voice activated recorder are …,we invite you to take a look at our reviews of cell phone providers and prepaid cell phone providers,silver/black with 2 handsets at walmart,i have had a navigon gps in my car long,A cell phone jammer allows people to exploit the vulnerability of the radio spectrum to silence blabbering offenders,someone did find it and decided to ignore my hundreds of calls to give the opportunity to give it back..
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