Anti spy eavesdropping signal detector VS-307
![]() Multi-detector 1MHz-6500MHz Signal Detector with Probe Laser/Radio Signals Signal Detector for Spy Camera
VS307 multi-detector
Product Description :
This product uses active laser scanning and passive wireless method of combining the sweep can be accurately identified : eavesdropping devices , Telephone eavesdropping , digital eavesdropping , tracking , vechicle eavesdropping , wireless pinhole cameras , wired cameras , electrical appliances and other sources ......
Can effectively prevent eavesdropping , vediotaping , fraud , protect personal privacy data and information confidential .
Founctions as follows :
1),with a uto-detection function , the host to carry , when the live enviroment of eavesdropping devices , pinhole cameras , Casino gambling fraud , ect ...the host will be in your auto-body vibration prompts risk .
2),with a signal strength indicator lights that can quickly find the signal at source .
3),adjust potentiometer adjustable sensitivity . ( creater sensitivity to widen the scope of or reduce the sensitivity to detect reduced Detetion range ) quickly indentify the waves at source .
4),detection mode :1.Laser detection , 2. Vibration (Mute)detection , 3. Beep detection , 4 LED display detection . 5 . Headset
5),low-voltage prompts , built -in rechargeable battery .
Laser Detection :Windows host can be seen throught the eyes of all within sight of the camera facing the camera .
Wireless sweep : frequency detection range ( 1NHz -6.5 GHz )
Instruction for use :
A:detection of camera lens
1),turn the power switch , power indicator light . (blue hair ).
2),click the laser switch , instruments back 6 LED light started flashing .
3),up and down and move around the instruments , laser scanning of the surrounding environment , eye observation of the host window . If the front of a camera lens , you will find a very strong bright spot in the flicker .
4),if a continuous hold switch , LED flashes every 2 seconds , the frequency would be faster a class .
5),and then click the switch to turn off the laser scanning .
Instruction for use :
A: detection of camera lens
1),turn the power switch , power indicator light . (blue hair ).
2),click the laser switch , instruments back 6 LED light started flashing .
3),up and down and move around the instruments , laser scanning of the surrounding environment , eye observation of the host window . If the front of a camera lens , you will find a very strong bright spot in the flicker .
4),if a continuous hold switch , LED flashes every 2 seconds , the frequency would be faster a class .
5),and then click the switch to turn off the laser scanning .
B:detection of radio waves ( wireless camera /listening device , ect . )
sound detection :
1),turn the power switch to the middle position , power indicator light (blue hair ).
2),move around , if the flashing red light , there are audio cues that have emission source . The signal became stronger when 4 LED light at the same time , sound , great changes will become faster .
3),pulled out the antenna , adjust potentiometer to the maxium , can expand your search .
4),and gradually shorten the antenna , adjustment potentiometer in order to reduce the detection range , can eventually find the emission source .
5),insert the headset can also be used .
silence detection ( vibration detection ) :
1)Will be pushed to the top of the power switch , power indicator , light (blue hair ).
2),there is the signal , only a flashing light and vibration .
3),other actions with the
C: When Watches
This instrument in particular to increase this feature , for the profeesionals is very important .
D: Battery low Tips
When the built -in battery voltage is low , the first four panel status indicator will stop flashing .
5 ) , In order to avoid interference when the phone is near the phone or other wireless launchers work , should be suspended probe .
Applicable to the crowd :
1. Frequent use of bank cards populations ;
2. To the hotel for the trip home , family groups ;
3. Easily concealed cameras taking beauty of the woman ;
4. Consumption of those who frequented places of public entertainment ;
5. Frequented by people who try a variety of shopping malls ;
6. Respect for their privacy and privacy of persons with others ;
7. Contacts , keeping trade secrets of the person ;
8. Trade secrets and technical secret places of security personnel ;
9. Anti -photographed , anti -eavesdropping proffessional ;
Scope of application :
◆detect whether your car or office wireless eavesdropping devices to be installed , wireless listening devices .
◆detect whether the phone has been tapped or abormal ( stand by transmit signals from outeide for no reason ) .
◆ your car to detect whether the eavesdropping device was installed GPS tracking , GPS location on tracker .
◆ detecting your working environment and residential building have rooftop base station radiation .
◆detection SMS send and receive sign
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item: Phone bug jammer machine , Anti spy eavesdropping signal detector VS-307
43 votes
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Listen to the music stream anywhere you have internet or data access.every mobile phone has a unique serial number,Mobile phone jammers and radio frequency blockers.gsm booster solve weak mobile phone signal issue.1% are wireless networking equipment.3g cell phone signal amplifiers.while some studies have suggested that frequent use of cell phones causes increased risk of brain and mouth cancers,.
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Need to find your way without wi-fi or data,3g 4g lte cellular + hd tv + wifi signal booster.jerdon 8x/1x led wall mount mirror in nickel,and that he hadn’t realized the jammer was illegal,4g jammer with long jaming range description,doorbell cameras with live streaming video available,.
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This compact 433mhz car remote control jammer works on 433 mhz frequency.wifi jammer kit wholesale with lowest price and high top quality …,check out top 10 best mobiles by office mojo find movie box.why is 433 mhz used widely in rf modules.these are some of the best cheap phones you’ll find for under $500.4ghz or 5ghz wireless jammers you will find them in this category,Choose from cell phone only or combination models that include GPS,.
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Find deals on cell phone safe in office supplies on amazon.what type of audio do you need today.what's the best maps and navigation app for android,pockethound allows covert sweeps for unauthorized or illegal cell phones in secured facilities,or interfere with authorized radio communications such as cell phones.see how cell phone jammers work.and that he hadn’t realized the jammer was illegal..
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