High Efficiency Mobile Signal Booster 50Ω Impedance 188*108*23mm Dimension
Product Name:
Indoor Pico OEM GSM980 Black Repeater
Frequency Range:
Uplink 890-915MHZ Downlink 935-960MHZ
1000 M²
Indoor Pico OEM GSM980 Black Repeater , Cell Phone Signal Repeater , Mobile Signal Booster
Model: VBE-GSM980(Black)
Product Instructions
Indoor Pico Repeater (Signal Booster) series is an ideal solution for small/medium businesses and home users looking to enhance indoor wireless connectivity. It is connected via coaxial cable to Donor Antenna and Service Antenna, Donor Antenna is placed outside the building where it has easy access to a BTS signal, and the Service Antenna is placed in the building where it can extend radio coverage to the blind area.
To expand signal coverage or fill signal blind area where signal is weak or unavailable.
Indoor: Hotels, exhibition centers, basements, shopping malls, offices, parking lots
Application Diagram
Technical Specifications
Workig Voltage
AC110V-240V DC5V
Frequency Range
Uplink≥70 Downlink≥75
Pass band ripple
Noise figure
Transmission Delay
Ambient temperature
Size: (H x W x D)
coverage area
1000 M²
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item: Phone jammer china polar | High Efficiency Mobile Signal Booster 50Ω Impedance 188*108*23mm Dimension
9 votes
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