Wireless Camera Spy Signal Upgrade Version Detector
![]() Wireless Camera Spy Signal Upgraded version detector 1MHz - 8000MHz Aluminum Alloy Materials
G319 Upgraded version detector Instructiion
G319 adopt the advanced technology of germany, is used for kinds of Bug,car tracker,Wireless pinhole camera,Mobile phone undercover software,instrument for Casino scam and so on. The function can meet Military surveillance. It can detect Electrical source,so will prevent you and your family from the damage of Electromagnetic radiation. It adopts digital receiving mode, the difference from other detectors,one is widen the detection frequency domain,avoid the disturbance from clutter signal of life.second is imporved the sensitivity,the advange is that no matter how strong signal transmitting,can easily locate it by adjusting knob.So it is the most advanced portable wireless signal detection equipment. The normal wireless detector can not detect CDMA signal, if you dial it via China Telecom,the normal detector never alarm,because CDMA mobile phone agreement was invented by the U.S. Military,it is a radio frequency hopping technology,was called code division multiple access,it is hard to detect,the reason is the small of transmitted powre.Sa G319 is the can accurately identify the CDMA mobile communication protocol of monitoring equipment.
Equipment is for handheld, Top left is for the antenna, the middle is charging DC port,right is the sensitivity adjustment knob. Clockwise to strengthen,Counterclockwise to reduce sensitivity.The middle is 10 level led, From the left the first on is charge indicator,will liht when charging,the light will out when full of charge.The second is for power swith indicator,will extinguish when power is not enough.The third to tenth is for Detection instructions,a signal from weak to strong,if all lights flash, will produce "beep"sound,the sound is mor urgent,the signal is more strong. On the right the round button is power switch.
*Turn switch on(button up),second led light,means power to work normally. Turn the knob clockwise to the largest, enter standby signal,then adjust the rotary knob back,the light flash not more than the fifth light.
*Signal is full,soundbeep. The signal is more strong,the sound will be more rapid.
*when light bars are full and bright,the sound is more rapid,means it is near to the target.If we adjust the rotary knob back when the signal is strong,so it is easy to find the target object.
*Due to high sensitivity,so we can receive the signal from Mobile phone base stations , television broadcasting station on the road. If you want to find car GPS,pls drive it to the place with weak signal,also pls set the equipment of communication as airplane mode,then the detector can work. If there is no target in the room,but the detector will alarm at times,the possible will be:
1) Your own communication equipment will match code with base stationin timing and automatic.
2) the target is near to theroom,maybe in another room,or somebody
called in another room.
3) Too close with thewireless router.
Main feature
*Professional radio detection device, high sensitivity, adjustablethreshold, large range of frequency detection
*Easy to use(only switch+sensitivity knob),Sound and light alarm indicator,accurate and reliable
*can detect Mobile, unicom, telecom, 2G.3G.4G Card for bugs and locator
*can detect Hith-speed upload GPS locator packet locator
*can detect 1.2G/2.4G wireless camera
*can detect hidden 5.8GHZ wireless camera andl Wireless eavesdropping.
Technique Data:
*Frequency Range: 1MHz-8000MHz.
*detecting the dynamic range:>73dB
*detection sensitivity:
Detect range:
2.4GHz wireless camera: 10m (standard 10mW carmera)
1.2GHz wireless camera: 15m (standard 10mW carmera)
Mobile: 2G,3G,4G:10m2
*Indicating: 9 level LED Luminous instructions/modulation sound instructions
*Power: built-in 3.7V lithium polymer battery
Working current: 60mA working time: 10-15 hours
*Material: aluminum alloy weight: 160g
volume: 102x52.5x21.5mm
1,Whether car or office is be installed wireless bugs or location tracking.
2,Whether your cellphone is eavesdropping or abnormal (transmit.when cellphone in stand-by mode without any reason)
3,Whether there is the base station radiation around your working.environment and residential buildings.
4,SMS send and receive signals, mobile Internet, mobile phonesi switch and on phone
5, Detect the wireless network signals, mobile phone base stationsi and wireless monitoring system
6,Whether do the harm to human body once Household appliances. such as microwave ovens for leaks.
7, Whether there is a suspicious wireless signals in the environment
8, Used for the hotel, the bathroom, hotel, entertainment, locker room.or political authority, etc
9, Used for business negotiation, the school administers, factories,military facilities
10,Mahjong table coincidence with the action of radio waves
11,Used for Mortgage cars, used cars, pawnshops,
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item: Phone jammer detector wand | Wireless Camera Spy Signal Upgrade Version Detector
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![]() 2019/07/17 |
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![]() 2019-07-16 |
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![]() 2019-07-03 |
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