Full-Band Wireless Smart Camera Signal Detector
![]() Full Band Wireless smart camera signal detector , Spy Camera Detector 1MHz - 6000MHz
VS311 Wireless signal detector
Function description:
This product is used for detecting the wireless signal-transmitting devices inside the target site, such as the wireless wiretapping and peeping device or the location tracker; for detecting whether the working or living environment has the strong electromagnetic radiation.
Target users:
1.This product is able to find the signal source quickly through its automatic detection function.It is applicable to the people whose are under the potential threat arising from the GPS tracker, bugging device, phone wiretapping APP (X undercover APP),phone SIM card wiretapping device, power socket wiretapping device, wireless wiretapping device, wireless sound monitor, casino fraud. It detects your body automatically and alerts you to the danger, if any.
2.Target site: Company, car dealer, examination room, factory or various meeting rooms that need to prevent the leakage of the trade secrets.
3.Business people that need to prevent their negotiations from being wiretapped
4.All people that have the privacy protection awareness and need to safeguard their legal rights and interests.
5.Security maintaining personnel such as the security guard and man.
Operation method:
1.Upon the detection, please turn on the switch and the LED that is on means the power supply is functioning normally
2.This product has 10 individual light-emitting indicators in a row, please keep 2-4
individual indicators ON during the operation and move this product from side to side slowly;
if the individual indicators are flashing in red, it means there may be suspicious object
around; the more indicators are ON in red, it indicates the closer the suspicious object is.
3.In order to confirm the exact position of the suspicious object, you can keep 2-3 individual indicators ON to narrow the detection range and to find the suspicious object in the end.
This detector has very high power and very sensitive detection function, so it can also detect the cell phone that is in operation status. For this reason, please pay attention to analysis.
Product parameters:
Detection frequency: 1--6000MHZ
Sensitivity: ≤0.05mw
Battery: 3.7V lithium battery
Length of antenna: 89mm
Size of device without antenna: 118*61.8*22mm
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