400 Watt High Power Multi-band 6-Antenna Prison Signal Jammer
![]() PL6Pro Drone /UAV Jammer, Blocker for Mobile Phone 2G/3G/4G/GSM CDMA DCS 4glte/Gpsl1Cover Radius 500-1000m
Portable 6CH Jammer with Pelican Case Jammer
Brief description:
Vodasafe PL6Pro is multi-band bomb jammer can be constructed to jam up to six frequency bands, and the overall RF output power is up to 400 Watts.It is used to prevent RCIED detonation and for convoy and VIP executive protection by creating electronic countermeasures.These powerful and durable Jammer sets are functional counter-IED tools which are currently deployed in many parts of the world, and have a proven track record for prevention of injury and loss of life.
*High-power multi-band jammer.
*Fully portable trolley-type case for easy transportation and rapid deployment.
*Each unit can jam up to 6 frequency bands simultaneously, each frequency band is separate and with adjustable power from max to off (0).
*100% safe VSWR over protection for each modular.
*Build-in AC power DC27V and Battery 27V 20Ah continue working 1.5hours.
*Battery Power and charger stative display via LED screen.
Applicable place:
Anti-terror units, Bomb squads, VIP protection, Convoys protection, Military forces, SWAT teams,Anti-drug units, Riot-control units, Embassies protection, Roadblock protection, Checkpoint protection
Total Outputpower:400W
Cover Radius: 500-1000m(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network)
Antenna type: High gain 5-7 dbi Omni-directional antennas
Power Supply: AC adapter 50 to 60Hz,AC110-240V to DC27V
Build-in rechargeable Battery 27V 20Ah
Cooling System:High efficiency aluminum alloy radiator+ 30 x cooling fans
Working Time:working 1.5hours by battery
Working temperature: -30~60℃
Dimension(LXWXH): 800 x 700x 350mm not include antennas
Package Size:550x450x300mm
Weight:56kg (6kg antennas)
Order Information :
Vodasafe PL6A :Jamming for all Mobile phone 3G/2G GSM CDMA DCS 4GLTE +WIFI2.4G Signals
1.CDMA or GSM:851-894 or 925-960MHz 43dbm / 20W
2.DCS/PCS:1805-1990MHz 40dbm /10W
3.3G:2110-2170MHz 40dbm /10W
4.4GLTE :700-803 or 790-862MHz 43dbm / 20W
5.4G WIMAX:2500-2690MHz or 2300-2400MHz 40dbm /10W
6.WIFI2.4G:2400-2500MHz 40dbm /10W
Total Output Power: 80W
Package contents:
1pc Signal Jammer
1pc AC Charger
6pcs Antennas
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item: Phone jammer dx meaning - 400 Watt High Power Multi-band 6-Antenna Prison Signal Jammer
11 votes
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Albatross is a pocket GSM jammer that may be used against GSM,our pki 6085 should be used when absolute confidentiality of conferences or other meetings has to be guaranteed,find t-mobile mytouch 3g prices and learn where to buy,We cray a whole spectrum of jammers for every application - 5Ghz Jammer,reject calls from and add numbers,the gps phone tracking pro app makes it easy to keep track of life’s essentials,View cell towers by city to find the best carrier within the neighborhood,Buy/wholesale Cell/Mobile Phone GPS Signal Jammer Blocker from Cell Phone Signal Jammer Online,.
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