Superior Sensitivity RF Bug Detector Wireless Camera Detector
![]() Superior Sensitivity RF Bug Detector , Cell phone Signal Detection Signal Detector Asoustic Display
Superior sensitivity RF bug detector with Acoustic display
+ Lens Finder + Laser-assisted direction indication
The VS-7LP is the newest top quality RF bug detector. It can be used to detect and locate hidden transmitters (bugs) in your home, office, or car, and also wireless spy cameras, cellular phones and other radio frequency devices.
VS-7LPperforms a professional RF sweep of your premises. Designed with the latest in microchip countermeasure technology, it has an operational range of 50 MHz to 6.0 GHz. This state-of-the-art unit has features that normally reserved for bigger more pricey units.
1. Sensitivity adjustment / interference (background noise) elimination;
2. Could find (locate) the signal source;
3. About acoustic display;
4. Low battery warning;
5. Assisted laser pointing direction indication;
6. Lens finder exposing all camera lenses;
1. Attach the Lens finder on VS-7LP by inserting the plugs into the 2 sockets in the left bottom side of VS-7LP, facing the 8 ultra-bright lights to front side. Note: The Lens finder will not work if insertion with wrong side. (Please refer to the pictures.)
2. Press down the On / Off switch of Lens finder, the 8 ultra-bright lights start blinking. Point the light beam towards the suspected area and scan slowly to check the reflection of illuminated light.
3. Look through the viewfinder, it is more easily to identify the camera lens. This lens finder also can uncover a hidden wireless camera even the camera is turned off.
Power: Ni-MH 7.2V battery pack;
Battery life: Continuous for 2 days after full charge (standby mode);
Detecting frequencies: 50 MHz - 6.0 GHz;
Dimension: L 14 x W 8 x T 2.5cm;
Weight: 235g;
Warning mode 1: Audible alarm and 10 LEDs;
Warning mode 2: Acoustic display via speaker (or through earphone) and 10 LEDs;
Warning mode 3: Vibration and 10 LEDs;
Use this device as an auxiliary, supplemental help or aid to prevent the risks caused by hidden camera, cellular phone or other wireless devices. This device does not take the place of all the supervisions. Performance of this Radio frequency (RF) product will be affected by the circumstance of use. The producer and marketing group accepts no liability for any loss or damage by malfunction or misuse.
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item: Phone jammer florida insurance , Superior Sensitivity RF Bug Detector Wireless Camera Detector
25 votes
![]() 2019/07/30 |
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![]() 2019-07-13 |
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