Black Color Portable Signal Jammer 50Ω Input Impedence Direct Grounding Lightning Protection
Product Name:
High Power Portable Mobile Signal Jammer
Power Supply:
AC 220V
One Band Output Power:
Power Consumption:
800×500×310 Mm
Frequency Band:
1-8 Channel
8pcs Omni Antennas
Hand-pull Box Jammer Defense System , Portable Signal Jammer for court using
Product Features:
l Using UHF broadband interference technology.
l High effective power (channel power) and large interference radius.
l Imported device, slow start circuit design can avoid the mechanical switch fire phenomenon, high integration, stable work.
l Perfect self-protection function. When the device is warned of overheating fault, the shielding device will automatically shut down the failed module to avoid the damage of the shielding device.
Product Specification:
Working Frequency
Output Power(±3dBm)
20-100 MHz
1520- 1670 MHz
1800-2000 MHz
2000-2200 MHz
2400-2690 MHz
Power: AC 220V
Power Consumption : 1000W
Mainframe weight: 53.6Kg Size(L×W×H):800×500×310 mm
Humidity: 5%-95% Running Temperature: -35 to +80 ℃
Product Details:
1. System accessory table
Wire controller
Line controller control line
Spare Line controller control line
Power Line
Hand-pull Box
System Accessary
2. Omnidirectional Antenna Parameter List
Input impedence
standing wave
Power Capacity
Direction of Polarization
Vertical Polarization
Cross Modulation
Interface Type
7/16 or N-K
Lightning Protection
Direct Grounding
Wind Protectionnn
Pole Diameter
3. Product Application Place
Tag: High Power Signal Jammer for court using.
Product Applications:
Recording Studios
Contract Tendering Rooms
Testing Facilities
Security Services
Military Units
Secret Services
News Conference Rooms
Libraries, Museums
Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement
Product Usage:
Step 1 - Open the box
Open the box. Keep unpacked boxes ready for future removal or shipment.
check that the open equipment and accessories are in good condition. If any defects or damage are found, please contact your supplier as soon as possible.
Step 2 - Connecting antenna
Open the suitcase and take out the antenna. Note: do not activate the shield until the antenna and shield are not well connected, otherwise, the shield will be severely damaged. All costs and consequences arising from this will be borne by the user himself.
Each antenna is connected to the RF output interface of the host computer one-to-one.
Step 3 - Start Jammer
Connect the host AC~220V port with the power cord in the suitcase: then dial the side red knob switch to the "1" file;
The start and output power adjustment of the wire controller:
1) Connection wire controller
The 6pin wire control connection line is connected to the 6pin wire control connection
port on the side of the chassis;
2) Control the output and output power of the power amplifier with a wire controller.
[ALL Ch]: screen all 4Channel on / off buttons;
[ALL PA]: power output adjustment keys for all 4Channel of the shield;
[CHX]: the output of Channel X is the Channel number of 1 ~ 8 when the output of
Channel X is turned on / off alone;
[PAX]: regulating the power output of ChannelX alone X is the Channel number of 1 / 8.
The output power regulation is divided into five sections: 20: 20 and 40.
Step 4 - Turn off the Jammer
the power output switch of each channel is closed;
Power off:
1) Dial the red knob switch on the side of the chassis to "0";
2) Unplug the power cord;
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item: Phone jammer gadget lab - Black Color Portable Signal Jammer 50Ω Input Impedence Direct Grounding Lightning Protection
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