Anti spy eavesdropping signal detector VS-307
![]() Multi-detector 1MHz-6500MHz Signal Detector with Probe Laser/Radio Signals Signal Detector for Spy Camera
VS307 multi-detector
Product Description :
This product uses active laser scanning and passive wireless method of combining the sweep can be accurately identified : eavesdropping devices , Telephone eavesdropping , digital eavesdropping , tracking , vechicle eavesdropping , wireless pinhole cameras , wired cameras , electrical appliances and other sources ......
Can effectively prevent eavesdropping , vediotaping , fraud , protect personal privacy data and information confidential .
Founctions as follows :
1),with a uto-detection function , the host to carry , when the live enviroment of eavesdropping devices , pinhole cameras , Casino gambling fraud , ect ...the host will be in your auto-body vibration prompts risk .
2),with a signal strength indicator lights that can quickly find the signal at source .
3),adjust potentiometer adjustable sensitivity . ( creater sensitivity to widen the scope of or reduce the sensitivity to detect reduced Detetion range ) quickly indentify the waves at source .
4),detection mode :1.Laser detection , 2. Vibration (Mute)detection , 3. Beep detection , 4 LED display detection . 5 . Headset
5),low-voltage prompts , built -in rechargeable battery .
Laser Detection :Windows host can be seen throught the eyes of all within sight of the camera facing the camera .
Wireless sweep : frequency detection range ( 1NHz -6.5 GHz )
Instruction for use :
A:detection of camera lens
1),turn the power switch , power indicator light . (blue hair ).
2),click the laser switch , instruments back 6 LED light started flashing .
3),up and down and move around the instruments , laser scanning of the surrounding environment , eye observation of the host window . If the front of a camera lens , you will find a very strong bright spot in the flicker .
4),if a continuous hold switch , LED flashes every 2 seconds , the frequency would be faster a class .
5),and then click the switch to turn off the laser scanning .
Instruction for use :
A: detection of camera lens
1),turn the power switch , power indicator light . (blue hair ).
2),click the laser switch , instruments back 6 LED light started flashing .
3),up and down and move around the instruments , laser scanning of the surrounding environment , eye observation of the host window . If the front of a camera lens , you will find a very strong bright spot in the flicker .
4),if a continuous hold switch , LED flashes every 2 seconds , the frequency would be faster a class .
5),and then click the switch to turn off the laser scanning .
B:detection of radio waves ( wireless camera /listening device , ect . )
sound detection :
1),turn the power switch to the middle position , power indicator light (blue hair ).
2),move around , if the flashing red light , there are audio cues that have emission source . The signal became stronger when 4 LED light at the same time , sound , great changes will become faster .
3),pulled out the antenna , adjust potentiometer to the maxium , can expand your search .
4),and gradually shorten the antenna , adjustment potentiometer in order to reduce the detection range , can eventually find the emission source .
5),insert the headset can also be used .
silence detection ( vibration detection ) :
1)Will be pushed to the top of the power switch , power indicator , light (blue hair ).
2),there is the signal , only a flashing light and vibration .
3),other actions with the
C: When Watches
This instrument in particular to increase this feature , for the profeesionals is very important .
D: Battery low Tips
When the built -in battery voltage is low , the first four panel status indicator will stop flashing .
5 ) , In order to avoid interference when the phone is near the phone or other wireless launchers work , should be suspended probe .
Applicable to the crowd :
1. Frequent use of bank cards populations ;
2. To the hotel for the trip home , family groups ;
3. Easily concealed cameras taking beauty of the woman ;
4. Consumption of those who frequented places of public entertainment ;
5. Frequented by people who try a variety of shopping malls ;
6. Respect for their privacy and privacy of persons with others ;
7. Contacts , keeping trade secrets of the person ;
8. Trade secrets and technical secret places of security personnel ;
9. Anti -photographed , anti -eavesdropping proffessional ;
Scope of application :
◆detect whether your car or office wireless eavesdropping devices to be installed , wireless listening devices .
◆detect whether the phone has been tapped or abormal ( stand by transmit signals from outeide for no reason ) .
◆ your car to detect whether the eavesdropping device was installed GPS tracking , GPS location on tracker .
◆ detecting your working environment and residential building have rooftop base station radiation .
◆detection SMS send and receive sign
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item: Phone jammer india kashmir , Anti spy eavesdropping signal detector VS-307
30 votes
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