What can I do to avoid being filmed by the Oregon Scientific ATC Beats camera?
![]() Hi Dan!
Yes, Oregon Scientific have recently presented its new ATC Beats WiFi Sports camera. The camera itself is great indeed. It can capture 1080p video with 60fps and in the field of view of 130 degrees. It has accelerometer, built-in GPS and even heart rate monitor which works with wireless chest belt. All those features are great but the danger lies in other thing.
The thing I am talking about is the nice WiFi connectivity of this camera. The ability to connect to iPhone or any Android device using wireless connection allows the camera user to send the recorded video to somebody else quickly thus even if you catch the guy with the camera this video with you in it may be far away already. So what can you do about it?
The only way to avoid manhandling is to prevent Oregon Scientific ATC Beats WiFi Sports camera from sending video via WiFi connection and then you can stop the evildoer with the camera without fearing that the filmed video is already gone.
By the way, if you are the owner of this new camera and do not have any intentions to film someone who doesn’t want to be filmed, this camera has yet another danger, but this time for you, just like the GoBandit Live camera. Remember the built-in GPS I have mentioned above? You have to prevent it from tracking your position because then it is your new camera that will be responsible for your privacy breach.
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item: Signal blocker Clifton Hill - What can I do to avoid being filmed by the Oregon Scientific ATC Beats camera?
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