Professional Cell Phone Signal Blocker Ultrasonic Audio Recording Jamming System
Product Name:
Professional Ultrasonic Audio Recording Jammer Microphone Blocker Suppressor Bug Hunter
280*110*150 Mm
Net Weight:
Jamming Range:
>2 Meter
Professional Ultrasonic Audio Recording Jammer Microphone Blocker Suppressor Bug Hunter , Cell Phone Signal Jammer
Product Introductions:
The Stationary ultrasonic audio jammer is an information security product with completely independent intellectual property right. It can exactly block the voice recording device like cellphone, recording pen, audio and etc. in about 2-4 meters. When it finds the signals, it will directly isolate it.
Technical Specification:
Shielding Objects
Voice recording device as Cell Phone, Recording Pen, Audio, Hidden Microphone and etc.
Shielding Radius
>2 meter
Shielding Angle
Horizontal 90°/ Vertical 90°
Battery Inside
8000 mAh / 12V
Product Weight
5.9 KG
Product Size
Power Supply
Battery Inside / AC Adaptor
Working Current
Interception Mode
Acoustic Interference
Interception Strength
Working Time
8 hours
Working Temperature
Shell Material
Product Features:
Ultrasonic exposure + voice imitation = 100% shielding
6 ultrasonic transducers and powerful speaker
Absolutely soundless operation possible
Suppression range up to 2-4 meters
Very powerful emission up to 85dB
Detailed English manual included
Product Maintenance:
The jammer needs no special maintenance.
Do not use chemical solvents or prevent water from entering into the device when cleaning its surface.
When not use, the device must be placed in dry and ventilated places, to avoid its contact with salty mist and noxious gases.
The warranty period is one year. It is repaired free of charge for three years and maintained for life, only need buyer bear the shipping cost it has.
Product Application:
Meeting room, party and government organizations, enterprises and small medium and large conference rooms, concert halls, and etc.
At places where using recording device is prohibited such as government, military, finance, security, police and command center etc.
Product Warranty:
One year from delivery date
Packing List:
1pc x Audio Jammer Host
1pc x Power Supply
1pc x Case Pack
1pc x Remote Control
Product Image:
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item: Wifi jammer Ankeny - Professional Cell Phone Signal Blocker Ultrasonic Audio Recording Jamming System
17 votes
![]() 2019/07/17 |
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Find deals on iphone signal blocker in phones &,This page on GPS vs A- GPS describes difference between GPS and A- GPS,music direct reserves the right to select the carrier and ship method within the terms of this offer..
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Call Blocker is an easy to use app that instantly shows you who is,tablets with gps related on bestbuy,4g jammer and newest 5g jammer.stay connected at home..
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