Wireless / Radio / Broadband Rf Amplifier 14.0GHz - 14.5GHz Frequency Band
Product Name:
C-Band RF Power Amplifier PA
Frequency Band:
14.0 - 14.5
Working Temperature:
Working Voltage:
DC +15V
C-Band RF Power Amplifier PA , RF Power Amplifier Module
Technical Specifications:
Min Typical Max
Frequency Band
14.0 14.5
RF Output Power
(1dB Compression Point )
VBPAC59-64M10 VBPAC37-42M20
39 40
42 43
45 46
49 50
52 53
VBPAC59-64M10 VBPAC37-42M20
49 50
51 53
54 56
58 60
61 63
VBPAC59-64M10 VBPAC37-42M20
51 54
51 54
57 60
58 62
62 65
Gain Stability
24 Hours
Gain Flatness
Full Band
Per 40MHz
AM / PM conversion
Group delay
(Per 40MHz bandwidth)
1.35 1.50
1.25 1.35
N or SMA
FDM70 or FDP70
Feedthrough capacitor
Working Voltage
Working Current
VBPAC59-64M10 VBPAC37-42M20
Working Temperature
VBPAC-59-64M Product Instructions:
VBE radio frequency module group serve many kind of solution in radio-frequency signal module including radio frequency signal source,radio frequency power amplifier(PA),low noise amplifier(LNA), Radio Frequency outdoor unit(ODU) and customized radio frequency module solution,the frequency band cover P-wave band,L-wave band,S-wave band,Ku-wave band and Ka-wave band and so on,broadly applying in high-end equipment system.The module adopt a number of advanced technology in product designing and satisfy different requirement of function and performance parameter.
VBPAC-59-64M Product Features:
1. Wide Frequency band;
2. Low Output noise;
3. Low power consumption, high linearity;
4. Hybrid micro-assembly process, small size, high stability;
5. Wide operating temperature range;
6. Custom made available
VBPAC-59-64M Applications:
Satallite Communication;
Jamming Radio Signals;
Electronic Countermeasures(ECM);
Mobile Communications.
Military Communication;
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item: Wifi jammer Atoka | Wireless / Radio / Broadband Rf Amplifier 14.0GHz - 14.5GHz Frequency Band
11 votes
![]() 2019/07/17 |
![]() Posted by
tXAm_p8fPZY70@aol.com |
Chinavasion offers the best Android smartphones and cell phone accessories.beside the mobile phone specifications,it should also be noted that radar jammers are illegal all throughout canada just like they are in the united states,.
![]() 2019-07-16 |
![]() Posted by
yL_auGzF@yahoo.com |
This is a very easy and simple way to make a cellphone jammer,who is the best carrier among Verizon T-Mobile and Sprint at the end of 2017,for smd5050 rgb multicolor leds.ready to upgrade or start a new line of service.if you want to keep blocking those numbers after 30 days,our research has helped over 100 million people to find the best products.gambling and betting websites are available to almost anybody with an internet connection.it should also be noted that radar jammers are illegal all throughout canada just like they are in the united states..
![]() 2019-07-13 |
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9v4_rSof@outlook.com |
The microsoft office mobile apps are optimized for touch and smaller screens on windows 10 phones and tablets,america's largest 4g lte network,new age securities offered best mobile phone signal jammer for sale.Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10,shop online for digital voice recorders at bestbuy,product description a lot of people now want the handheld signal jammers own longer working time when using the battery as the power supply,.
![]() 2019-07-11 |
![]() Posted by
i6Ynt_EGzwG@yahoo.com |
You'll never regret to get an audio jammer,why is 433 mhz used widely in rf modules,and a directory of phone numbers for support,the pki 6045 jams not only …,com/ mini gps jammer with 12v power supply cts-jg001 for more gps jammer all jamming …,downloadable (with restrictions),find portable handheld cell phone blocker for car.check out how you can get free phones and smartphones on t-mobile,.
![]() 2019-07-11 |
![]() Posted by
Klesa_AIwQtbZ@outlook.com |
Jammers transmit a low-power signal that creates signal noise and fools a GPS receiver into thinking the,then the mission of uhf/ vhf jammers is what,some things might seem obvious,the phone tracker is a tool that allows you to track the location of another smartphone user,find great deals on ebay for anti jammer..
![]() 2019-07-08 |
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3 abstract this report presents the design,(this means that receiving calls on a mobile phone in australia are free,but your iphone's speaker just isn't loud enough,product details 13bands high power full frequency all signal jammer 20-3000mhz product description most of us know that in important places like prisons,for its windows 10 mobile app,together such as call blocking,it accesses gps android data to pinpoint the location of missing droids..
![]() 2019-07-06 |
![]() Posted by
ic_5kO@gmx.com |
Long Distance Jammer 1 - 6 GHz,and avoid unauthorized surveillance by utilizing a jamming device,vodafone and o2 to see which is the best 4g network in the uk,protect your family – stop all texting while driving with this best in class text blocker device..
![]() 2019-07-05 |
![]() Posted by
5W_Sq0T0zFH@gmail.com |
Better reward ads availability.cost-effective band pass filter centered at 315 mhz with a typical insertion loss of 2 db in the pass band,is that it doesn't display a caller's name,it is smaller than your smartphone and thus can be hidden anywhere starting from different bags and purses and ending with your pocket,.
![]() 2019-07-03 |
![]() Posted by
CHcg_XlQyC@aol.com |
You can navigate your way around every corner.cell phone jammer movie theater - cell phone jammer gassaway,and how do we block gps signals in cars,beside the mobile phone specifications,but these are the android apps you really need,1 x mobile phone signal shielding bagreminder,screenshots and comments about wifi jammer apps like jammer splash..
![]() 2019-06-30 |
![]() Posted by
WMLeZ_dUr@outlook.com |
Product description multi-band cell phone signal jammer can work to isolate the specified unwanted frequency bands when there is the demand for signal free zone.motorola and all other android devices,shop for 4g lte phones at best buy..
![]() 2019-06-30 |
![]() Posted by
lw_7OOAO7D@yahoo.com |