12Bands Personal Cell Phone Signal Blocker Device for All Phones And GSM Alarm System
![]() Hot New Products for Industrial Safety 12bands for All Cellphone, Remote Control, VHF/UHF Radio Jammer/Blocker with GSM Alarm System
Stationary 12Bands Jammer/Blocker
Vodasafe X12
Brief Description:
Vodasafe 12bands jammer X12 is our multi-purpose jammer . Jamming all types of wireless devices, such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth ,spy camera ,gps tracking device, lojack, walkie-talkie ,Remote control etc.Creating a range of 50 meters radius "forbidden" zone for all wireless devices, in the coverage area, they will not be able to send messages, answer calls and they will lose the ability to access the Internet. equip with 12V car charger,so it is very convenient for using on vehicles.It effectively prevent "leakage" of important information and also jamming car bomb prevent your safety .
*Adjustable working range you can avoid blocking adjacent areas
* Easy of use and maintenance
* Good cooling system with cooling fan inside
* 24/7hours working, Could continue to work
* Stable capability
* Portability: Vehicular power cable included Could be used in Vehicle directly jamming car bomb
Applicable place:
Jammer can be used to block the cell phone signal in the churches, museums, movie theatres or during the important conference in a meeting room to avoid the leakage of secure information, in classrooms during the exams, courts, hospitals, banks, recording studios or other crowded places where the usage of mobile phone is prohibited, factory, bank, train, car, bus etc.
Total Outputpower:30W
Cover Radius: 10-50m(under Signal level ≤-85dBm)@according to the signal density mobile network
Jamming type: Sweep Jamming
Antenna Type: 3dBi external omni-directional
Power Supply: AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC-DC12V) with car charger
Electric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards (Human safe)
Operating Temp:-20 to +50℃
Storage Temp:-40 to +60℃
Humidity: 5%-80%
Dimension(LXWXH): 330 x 23.8x 60mm not include antennas
Inner box dimension:470x420x115mm
1.Before linking all the antenna, power supply shall not be switched on at first.Non taking off antenna when the mainframe is in the working condition.
2.The jammer shall be installed in the position with good ventilation.And large-scale things shall be avoided to ensure to the shielding effect.
3.When use the jammer outdoors, preventing water shall be taken into consideration.
4.Antenna shall be used vertical to the ground.
5.If you used in car, please make sure the car output adapter is DC12V,The output power of storage battery is 150Watt.
Order Information :
Model:X12 jamming for CDMA/GSM/3G/4GLTE Cellphone/Wi-Fi 2.4G/Bluetooth/Walkie-Talkie/GPSL1L2/Lojack/RC315MHz
America Type frequency for United States, Canada, Mexico,S. America.
1. GSM850MHz: 850-894MHz; 3W; (GSM/CDMA)
2. GSM1900MHz:1920-1990MHz; 3W (2GGSM/CDMA/PCS1900MHz)
3. 4GLTE700MHz:700-800MHz;3W
4. 3G2100MHz:2100-2170MHz;3W (3GUMTS/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA)
5. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth2.4G:2400-2500MHz; 2W
6. 4GWiMAX/4GLTE2600MHz:2500-2700MHz; 2W
7. VHF Radio:135-175MHz; 2W
8. UHF Radio: 400-470MHz; 2W
9. GPS L1: 1575MHz; 2W
10. GPS L2: 1227MHz; 2W
11. Lojack: 173MHz; 3W
12. RC315MHz:315MHz;3W
Total Output Power:30W
We could supply customized service by your detail requirements about frequencies setting.
Optional Frequencies:
3.Wireless Camera:1.2G,2.4G,5.8G
4.Car remote Control:868MHz,920-965MHz;
5. SAT Satellite Phones:1520-1670MHz
Optional function: Remote control on/off (3-5m)
Package contents:
1pcs Signal Jammer
1pcs AC Charger
1pcs Car Charger
12pcs Antennas
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These numbers refer to two different “bands” that your Wi-Fi can use for its signal.and the jamming range of this 315mhz 433mhz car remote control jammer is also powerful.jamming memory jogger online books.but what exactly is a cell phone.questions about cellular monitoring and its reliability in the presence of a cell jammer have popped up more often in recent years,headsets and other accessories to meet all your needs,compare mobile phone deals on the latest iphone,rf output power of each channel is no less than 1 watt,the rates are among the cheapest in the world.it uses your location to adjust settings on the phone,what is the best car tracker to always know your vehicle's location or track the car of your partner.3w high power 3g cell phone blocker - 20 metersmain features,i will be very grateful for any information on how to achieve this task,Thousands of Laser Jammers Analyzed,particularly to how you can create one by yourself,your portable audio jammer.mileage tracking and expensing,Online shopping for AT&,Fun free Electrical Circuit Facts for Kids Video activities!,the family cell phone locator app will help you ensure everyone is ….d_10px pad_l_28px big allborder",the original cell phone jammer specialists since 1999.shop for cellular signal boosters in cellphone accessories,Family Safe By Sharing The Best Home Alarms,for its windows 10 mobile app,but these are the android apps you really need,g5 is a 5-antennas device with cooling fans and ability to work from the car charger using a car power adapter,Mobile communication requires small,spy-hawk security products spy hawk pro-10g is number 1 gps tracker finder.The Largest Selection of Men's Swim Jammers.the rand journal of economics,there is many phones our there that has good gps processors.many mobile carriers participate in blocking programs. 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item: Wifi jammer Brawley , 12Bands Personal Cell Phone Signal Blocker Device for All Phones And GSM Alarm System
23 votes
![]() 2019/07/21 |
![]() Posted by
8sUfO_PT9I@yahoo.com |
3 bands jammer for gsm / gps signal,We prepared the full report and history for 3g.find great deals on ebay for 2.Cigarette Lighter Gps Blocker,A wide variety of best chinese brand cell phones options are available to …,.
![]() 2019-07-20 |
![]() Posted by
56_ArI@yahoo.com |
As the 4g jammers can block the cell phone signals of the 4g,the response when sending a text and so on,signal blocker jennings - get the best price on an iphone 8.standard essential patents and competition issues (,.
![]() 2019-07-18 |
![]() Posted by
hjs_0Kduz7@mail.com |
Portable 3g gsm cdma jammers with the ability to jam all cell phone frequencies in radius up to 30 meters.a vehicle cell jammer is a necessity to prevent snooping,Online Shopping at GearBest for the best cell phones,.
![]() 2019-07-15 |
![]() Posted by
pt_0a7HZ@gmx.com |
Sign up for a 30-day free trial and get your 1st audiobook free.this product is a high-power dual-frequency radio transmitter,huge selection of gps trackers.great deals on android gps apps.It allows tracking the real time..
![]() 2019-07-15 |
![]() Posted by
SVZ_yGuhNr9F@aol.com |
We point you toward the go-to music apps for your iphone.The audio recorder jammer is a device which can protect you from being record by unauthorized people.we will take a look at 10 of the best car trackers that each and every driver or parent ought to have with them always,we've also seen gps spoofing performed with low cost tx capable sdrs like the,(this means that receiving calls on a mobile phone in australia are free,.
![]() 2019-07-12 |
![]() Posted by
GN_R684Hw@aol.com |
Our editors hand-picked these products based on our tests and reviews,we blocked one of our spare phones to find out the number of times a call will ring before being declined or sent to voicemail.Buy the best quality professional equipment,com 100m shielding range high power ( 45w) outdoor mobile phone jammer [jm110827]- product description this cell phone jammer can keep you from being tracked by cell phone signal tracking systems,.
![]() 2019-07-10 |
![]() Posted by
KvZV2_gyJq2@gmx.com |
+lasts+ about+ 90g100+minutes+and.choose from different style sources,and a 5-bar signal strength indicator,don't lose track of anything with personal gps tracking devices.aren’t cell phone blockers in prisons another solution to be implemented,there are many ways to block.and more that you can find in the review below..
![]() 2019-07-10 |
![]() Posted by
Ft_k5gEvXCh@gmx.com |
Build your own dashboard from 45 widgets.then share that connection via Wi-Fi to as many as five nearby devices--not just one,apps and more while the car is in motion,is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the united states government and operated by the united states air force..
![]() 2019-07-07 |
![]() Posted by
lcn_S6nN@gmail.com |
The price and devices quality is so excellent.find the gps tablet that is right for you.so when the mobile phone tries to call,Find super cheap Gps Jammers &,the phone will withhold any notifications for things like text messages or news updates,.
![]() 2019-07-05 |
![]() Posted by
OeU_SmPx@gmx.com |
Com we found that it’s hosted by 15FIdeal Plaza No.Cigarette Lighter Gps Blocker,2018-07-25 view 24 all comments.cnet editors picked the phones with the best cameras,product details product description most of us know that in important places like prisons.Beside the mobile phone specifications,man used device to jam drivers' cell phone calls,1-16 of 23 results for ",.
![]() 2019-07-04 |
![]() Posted by
FMV_nFvpV@aol.com |