20W GSM850MHz Cell Phone Repeater Pico-Repeater
![]() 20W GSM850MHz Mobile Signal Booster Pico-Repeater,Wireless signal Repeater
20WHigh Power 850MHz Cellphone Repeater TE8020
Brief Description:
The High power cell phone Repeater which can achieve the bidirectional simulated amplification of the base station uplink and downlink signal directly (without digital disposal). It is used to expand and extend the base station coverage, fill signal area where mobile signal is blind and weak. It has high output power, could cover area up to 5-6K square meters.
*Receiving and sending separation, low require for ant isolation, making it convenient for installation.
*Mini design with metal cavity filter technology inside.
*Full-duplex &dual-port design, and built-in power supply, making it convenient for installation.
*Allowing for continuous gain adjustment 31dB by 1dB step.
*ALC technology used to provide auto amplitude fixing.
*Modules structures, making it convenient for installation, debugging and maintenance.
Indoor: Shopping Malls, Hotels, Offices building ,Exhibition, Basements, Tunnels etc
Outdoor: City, Villages, Country, District, Mine, Factories and mines, Highway, Railway, Tourism Regions etc.
GSM Full band Repeater
Frequency Range:
Uplink: 824-849MHz or Customer appoint;
Downlink:869-894MHz or Customer appoint;
Output Power (OP): Uplink:≥40dBm; Downlink:≥43dBm;
Gain: Uplink:85dB; Downlink:90dB;
Size: 52.5×47×19cm
Weight: 36Kg
Gain adjustable range: MGC≥30;
Gain adjustable step: 1 dB;
Gain control precision: ±1.5 dB;
VSWR: 1.4:1;
Noise figure: ≤5dB
Transmission Delay:≤1.5μS
I/O impedance: 50Ω/N connector
Spurious emission:
(9KHz-1GHz)≤-36dBm; (1GHz-12.5GHz)≤-30dBm;
Attenuation: ≥40dBc
Guard band rejection:
BW-60≤42MHz; BW-70≤45MHz;
Ambient temperature: -15℃-55℃
Ambient humidity: ≤95% (no dew);
Power supply: AC230V±10%/45-55Hz;
Reliability: To the GB6993-86 standard;
Electromagnetic Compatibility: To the ETS300 694-4 standard;
Panel Display: LED; Power; Uplink; Downlink; Emission, Alarm indicators;
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item: Wifi jammer Chattanooga - 20W GSM850MHz Cell Phone Repeater Pico-Repeater
34 votes
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