Pocket Size Cellphone Scrambler Four Band Signal Jamming for 2G3GWiFiGps Signals
![]() Pocket CDMA/GSM/3G Cellphone Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Gps Jammer PK400
Brief Description:
This model is mini-pocket size, convenient carrying, easy to hide, simply operation, cell phone, Wi-Fi /Bluetooth ,GPS Jammer. its jamming all GSM,CDMA,3G all type cell phones, GPS tracking system and other wireless device working in this frequency range in the world widely. The interference of GSM,CDMA,3G,Wi-Fi/Bluetooth ,GPS satellite signal tracking, it could protect your whereabouts secret and confidential information. its working range is about 2-10meters .Equipped with built-in rechargeable battery, car charger, Wall charger. it can work about 2 hours by battery.Since it could disable any Gps tracking devices on your person or vehicle, so your movements could be unrestricted.
● Effective for GSM / CDMA / DCS / PHS / 3G /GPS/WI-FI /Bluetooth up to 10 meters (30 feet)
● Up to 2 hours continuous use on full charge
● Outlet charger (included)
● Car charger (included)
●North American / European specific models (model shipped based on destination country)
● Highly portable and concealable
● Light is red while charging, green when in use
● Automatic shut down to avoid overcharging
One of the most fully featured and highly portable blockers is available anywhere.
Applicable place:
For car, truck, bus, van, or even boat security, stop GPS tracking signals
For meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, hospitals.
Order information :
Model :PK400A jamming for CDMA/GSM/3G cellphone
Working frequency:
GSM 925MHz -960MHz DCS 1805MHz-1880MHz
3G 2110MHz-2170 MHz or GPS/Glonass/GALILEO L1 1500MHz-1600 MHz Working voltage: 110V-240V/50Hz-60Hz.DC5V/0.8A
Coverage radius: 1-10M
Average out-putting power: 27dBm each band
Total output power: 1.5W
Jamming Range: radius 2~10M (Signal≤-85dBm) depending on the mobile service provider’s network condition
Power supply: AC adapter (AC110V-240V DC5V) ,Car power charger
Operate time by battery: 2hours
Built-in Battery:1500mA/h
Power consume:0.54W/h
Antenna: external 3pcs omini-directional
Packing information: Neutral gift packing
Dimension of the Main Part: 95 (L)×45(W)×18(H)mm
Package Size: 195(L)*135(W)*57(H)mm
Gross Weight: 450g
Package contents:
1pc jammer body
4pc antenna
1pcs wall charger
1pcs car charger
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item: Wifi jammer Fernie , Pocket Size Cellphone Scrambler Four Band Signal Jamming for 2G3GWiFiGps Signals
33 votes
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