5 Bands 2.5W 27dBm Portable Phone Signal Blocker , Handheld Signale Jammer For 3G 4G AMPS
Product Name:
Omin Antennas Handheld Signale Jammer
Output Power:
Power Supply:
2000mAh Rechargeable Lithium-Ion (LI-ION)
Net Weight:
5pcs Small Omni Antennas
5 Bands 2.5W 27dBm portable phone signal Blocker , Handheld Signale Jammer for PCS , 3G , 4G , AMPS , N-AMPS
Product Introduction:
This is a great signal blocker model that can easily be concealed in the pocket. Just like a phone. which is up to three hours of continuous use on a single charge. There are two possible ways to charge this handheld sized device On the go? There's the car charger. Staying in a hotel room? You can use the outlet. When the green light turns on, 1 -10meters around the device will jam the your select four signals, and it's lightweight enough for those who are always on the move to barely notice the weight in their pockets.
Product Fetures:
Compact size - easily put in the bag or purse
Built in rechargeable lithium battery
Can be charged by AC adapter or car charger
Frequency selectable
No harm to human body or other electronic devices
Product Applications:
Confidential conferences rooms,
Private offices, Police authorities,
Product Specification:
Jamming Frequency Ranges:5 working Bands Selectable of Jamming iDEN , TDMA , CDMA , GSM , UMTS , DCS , PCS , 3G , 4G , AMPS , N-AMPS , NMT , TACS , WIFI , BULETOOTH , LOJACK , GPS , etc.
RF output power: up to 2.5W
Power Consumption: 7.5W;
Jamming Radius: 1 to 10 meters depending on the environment signal strength
Antennas: 5pcs small omni antennas
Power Supply : 110-220VAC, Car adapter, or Built-in rechargeable Lithium-Ion (LI-ION) battery
InternalBattery: 2000mAh rechargeable Lithium-Ion (LI-ION)
Battery Working Hours: 2-3 hours
Dimensions: 119*74*32mm
Net Weight: 0.4kgs
Frequence Range
Average Output Power
CDMA/GSM:860-970 MHz
3G:2110-2170 MHz
DCS/PHS:1805-1930 MHz
WIFI:2400-2500 MHz
GPS:1570-1580 MHz
Output power
Power Supply
AC110-250V/DC +12V
Woking Temperature
Relative Humidity
Jamming Signal
Jamming Range
Output Port
Five Ports
Changeable Signal
Product Image:
Why is there still a signal on the phone's signal indicator when it works?
A: It's just an illusion.In fact, the mobile phone has been unable to communicate.When you press the pull button, you will find that there is no signal on the signal indicator.The cell phone signal shield will not interfere with the normal work of other electronic devices. The antenna should be installed on the corresponding signs of each channel on the host, and then connected to the host power supply.
The effective coverage of the shield is a circular area centered around the shield, so be careful to choose the location of the shield so as to avoid blocking the dead Angle?
A: No.This is because the electromagnetic signal emitted by the cell phone's signal shield is completely within the country's mobile operating band, which only blocks mobile communication.And this signal is always in a relatively static state, and will not affect any electronic equipment.
Are cell phone signal Jammer harmful to people and mobile phones?
A: Please rest assured that the electromagnetic signal intensity emitted by the cell phone signal Jammer is very weak. The test data indicates that this signal strength is far from harmful to the human body.At the same time, the mobile phone signal shield is just blocking the forward signal of the phone, so that the cell phone cannot be connected with the base station, so there will be no damage to the phone itself.
Is there any difference between the effective shielding distance of the mobile phone signal shield in indoor and outdoor use?
A: There are.The effective shielding distance (30-40 meters) of the cell phone signal shield is generally referred to as indoor distance.In open areas, the effective distance of shielding can be several hundred meters.It should be noted, whether they are within the room, or in outdoor use, effective shielding effect of shielding distance has relationship with environmental conditions, such as from the base station near and far, placed, etc.Therefore, when using cell phone signal shield, this factor should be fully taken into account to avoid blocking the dead Angle and thus affect the shielding effect.
Is the cellular signal shield the same for GSM mobile phones and CDMA mobile phones?
A: that's a good question.Because CDMA mobile phone's anti-interference performance is far superior to that of GSM mobile phone, the effective shielding distance for CDMA mobile phone is smaller than that of GSM mobile phone, but the difference is not very large, about 2-4 meters.But it also reminds users to pay attention to some particularly important sites, and should increase the number of mobile phone signal blockers when necessary to ensure the shielding effect of CDMA mobile phones.
After working for a period of time, the mobile phone signal mask is hot. Will working long hours damage the machine?
A: thank you for your care. This is a normal phenomenon.In the design, we use the thermal conductivity of aluminum alloy to assist the heat dissipation.This can guarantee long time stable work.As a result, the machine will not damage the machine.
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item: Wifi jammer Lynnwood - 5 Bands 2.5W 27dBm Portable Phone Signal Blocker , Handheld Signale Jammer For 3G 4G AMPS
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![]() 2019/07/17 |
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Technically 433 mhz can travel a greater distance than 868 mhz,we offer a warranty of 12 months for all the signal jammers.If existing cell phone towers are within one mile of your location,jammers are the perfect example for advancement in contemporary digital communication expertise and electronic expertise,.
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Free available instantly on compatible devices,An electric circuit includes a device that gives energy to the charged particles constituting the current,We offer a warranty of 12 months for all the signal jammers,.
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