CDMA 800MHz Ics Repeater, Mobile Signal Booster
The ICS Repeater is working as a relay between the BTS and mobiles. It receives the low-power signal from BTS via the Donor Antenna, linearly amplifies the signal and then retransmits it via the Coverage Antenna to the weak/blind coverage area. And the mobile signal is also amplified and retransmitted to the BTS via the opposite direction.
The Repeater is designed to provide a more cost-effective solution than adding a new Base Transceiver Station (BTS) to improve signal coverage and communication quality. Its easy installation and maintenance can help carrier get fast return.
FeaturesAluminum-alloy casing with IP65 protection has high resistance to dust, water and corrodingReal Time interference signal cancellation (Multi-path Fading, Feed-Back signal) greatly reduces system isolation requirementNo interference to BTS by adopting linear amplifier with high gain and low noiseAdopting filter with highly selectivity and low insertion loss eliminates interference between uplink and downlinkRS-232 port provides a link to a notebook for local supervision or to the built-in wireless modem to communicate with the NMS (Network Management System) that can remotely supervise repeater's working status and download operational parameters to the repeater
To expand signal coverage or fill signal blind area where mobile signal is weak or unavailable.
Outdoor: Airports, tourism regions, golf courses, tunnels, factories, mining districts, villages,
Indoor: Hotels, exhibition centers, basements, shopping malls, offices, parking lots, etc.
Technical Specifications
Working Frequency (customized)
Working Bandwidth
Max Input Power
Max Output Power
≥ 95dB
Gain Adjustment Range
1~31 dB @ step of 1 dB
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Noise Figure
≤ 5dB
In-band Ripple
Power Amplifier Oscillation Protection
Interference Cancellation System
Cancellation Feedback Signals
Interference Cancellation Range
Error Vector Magnitude(EVM)
Spurious Emission
Within working band
≤ -15dBm/30kHz
Out of working band
9kHz~1GHz: ≤ -36dBm/30kHz
1GHz~12.75GHz: ≤ -30dBm/30kHz
Third-order Inter-modulation
≤ -40dBc / 30kHz (measured under rated output power)
System Delay
I/O Impedance
RF Connector
N-Type (Female) / Changeable / bottom of casing
Temperature Range
Operation: -25°C ~ + 55°C / Storage: -30°C ~ +60°C
Relative Humidity Range
≤ 95% (non condensing)
Power Supply (customized)
DC +24V / AC 220V±15% or AC 110V±15%, 50Hz
Power consumption
Backup Power Supply (optional)
4 hours
Casing Level
Control Connector
USB port for local / remote
NMS Monitoring Function(Optional)
Real-time alarm for door status, temperature, power supply, LNA, VSWR, self-oscillation, etc;
Remote control such as turn on/off, increasing/decreasing output power etc;
Real-time status for output/input power, UL/DL gain, all status of repeater etc.
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item: Wifi jammer sumatrautara | CDMA 800MHz Ics Repeater, Mobile Signal Booster
48 votes
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