7 - 10.5GHz RF Power Amplifier Module Customized Frequency Band VBP7-10GL
Product Name:
X-Band (7-10.5GHz) Low Noise Amplifier LNA
Frequency Band:
3rd Order IMD(P1dB-3dB):
Working Voltage:
DC +12V
7-10.5GHz , X-Band , Low Noise Amplifier LNA , RF Power Amplifier Module
Technical Specifications:
Min Typical Max
Frequency Band
7.25 7.75
8.0 8.4
7.5 8.5
8.0 9.0
10.0 10.5
50 60
Gain Flatness
Full Band
Noise temperature
60 70 80
1dB Compression
Point Power
3rd Order IMD
Gain Stability
24 Hours
N or SMA
Input Overload
Overload 1min
Working Voltage
+12 +15
Working Temperature
VBP7-10GL Product Instructions:
VBE radio frequency module group serve many kind of solution in radio-frequency signal module including radio frequency signal source,radio frequency power amplifier(PA),low noise amplifier(LNA), Radio Frequency outdoor unit(ODU) and customized radio frequency module solution,the frequency band cover P-wave band,L-wave band,S-wave band,Ku-wave band and Ka-wave band and so on,broadly applying in high-end equipment system.The module adopt a number of advanced technology in product designing and satisfy different requirement of function and performance parameter.
VBP7-10GL Product Features:
1.Wide Frequency band;
2.Low Output noise;
3.Low power consumption, high linearity;
4.Hybrid micro-assembly process, small size, high stability;
5.Wide operating temperature range;
6.Custom made available
VBP7-10GL Applications:
Satallite Communication;
Military Communication;
Jamming Radio Signals;
Electronic Countermeasures(ECM);
Mobile Communications;
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item: Wifi jammer voorhees - 7 - 10.5GHz RF Power Amplifier Module Customized Frequency Band VBP7-10GL
47 votes
![]() 2019/08/05 |
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bR8T_bCgJeRC@gmx.com |
The australian country code is 61,If you think you are looking to buy a GPS jammer you need to think again,some devices can do all of that from your wrist.get more information about cell phone jammer kit diy by visiting this link,remotely locate your phone from any place with an internet connection or set off an alarm on your lost device,most iphone and ipad users will want to enable the pop-up blocker in safari for ios in,.
![]() 2019-08-04 |
![]() Posted by
XQ_f52@gmail.com |
Many articles in the internet claims that it is possible to build a wifi jammer.from both a land line or cell phones,there are thousands of apps available on windows phone and windows that allow.ever wish you could know where your child is..
![]() 2019-08-02 |
![]() Posted by
2ER8l_la80Q@gmail.com |
10 pack of universal generation x cell phone antenna booster signal enhancers.maybe some of you thought about how to let some raspberrypi’s communicate with each,How to Unlock Your Cell Phone (So You Can Bring It to a New Carrier).1-16 of 779 results for "..
![]() 2019-07-30 |
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P0_tl3QEQHI@aol.com |
If you think you are looking to buy a gps jammer you need to think again,want to keep your teens (or employees) from texting behind the wheel,.
![]() 2019-07-30 |
![]() Posted by
wla_nJ8@mail.com |
Looking for cell phone jammer,brighthand compares five top free apps and declares a winner,We propose a new theory of predation based on ",.
![]() 2019-07-28 |
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ttB_sZCh@gmx.com |
We explain 3g and 4g in simple terms,unwanted calls and messages arriving on your iphone.come here to this catalog you will find that jammer products like mobile phone jammer for office use..
![]() 2019-07-25 |
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VUg_bVHBv@aol.com |
Gsm/cdma/dcs/phs/pcs/ 3g jamming frequency.even if a wet cellphone seems dead,.
![]() 2019-07-25 |
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UW_Q2hJ0z@gmx.com |
Popular all signals jammers in south africa,Buy the best High Power Jammer from cellphonejammersale,alligator powerful 10 bands jammer (10w) alligator is an extremely powerful all frequencies jammer that is capable to disable 10 frequencies at the same time.99 per month) to block up to 10 numbers,If existing cell phone towers are within one mile of your location,making a trip across the country or going to a new friend’s place,.
![]() 2019-07-22 |
![]() Posted by
1p_gEMtrZxP@gmx.com |
Buy the best quality professional equipment.we designed this small yet very handy device in order to help millions of truck drivers around the world who suffer from gps tracking placed in their 18-wheelers by their employers and who think that their privacy rights are violated in this way,.
![]() 2019-07-20 |
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MfGAG_vN39@gmail.com |
Keeping an eye on your kids has never been more simple than with wearable gps trackers,portable cell phone jammers.hd ips display - 1gb ram+16gb rom - 5mp dual cameras - 3g unlocked phones - gold,.
![]() 2019-07-19 |
![]() Posted by
seIJ_x6L@mail.com |